I don't generally spend a lot of time explaining the background of my thoughts, or even necessarily the full context.
But a recent commenter, "It's Just Me," said this in part of her comment on my last post:
I would love to hear what you would recommend to fix this mess...And you know, I think having to put my thoughts into words is a great idea. So here's my reply:
Like she said in her comment, there's quite a bit of blame to go around - including every person who keeps voting the corrupt ones back into office. Fire every single career Congressman and Senator - and why allow two terms? Make it one! Minimize the potential for damage, and maximize opportunity and participation.
Dismiss every single "aye" voter on the Bailout or the nationalization that's happened since. Also every cabinet member and nominee who thinks any law supersedes the Constitution or who can't figure out how to file their taxes. Also every single individual ANYWHERE in government who does not acknowledge the Constitution as the supreme law of our land. I mean, you swore an OATH, people!!!
I have ideas for appropriate "corrective action," starting with expulsion and a swift kick in the rear, or wherever; but since that last part would constitute assault, I'll have to content myself with expulsion from anything related to government and being stripped of voting privileges.
My idea for fixing the mess is to LET. IT. FAIL.
Let the banks fail.
Let the businesses fail.
In other words, let it reset. Get us back to a REAL market instead of a paper one.
Let the bureaucracy fail. Get us back to a REAL understanding of the Constitution, because its founding principles and balances will save us.
Let people fall into each other's arms - REAL arms - instead of discouraging private charitable donations in order to force the helpless into the illusory, seductive, suffocating embrace of "government charity."
Let the market system - which has been squeezed into the ever-tighter corset of federal manipulation since the 1910s - breathe. That's the ONLY way that it will truly correct, and the BEST way that we can keep at least some of our personal and local resources intact for recovery.
Let people keep what they produce instead of confiscating it toward greater bureaucratic waste. Let them put it to use in their lives to help themselves and their neighbors get through this.
Stop spending money we don't have.
Stop devaluing our currency (not that the damage is reversible).
Stop subjugating future generations to foreign fuel and financiers.
Those are a few ideas off the top of my head for how to start to fix things. I don't think most people want to hear those ideas, though, which is why they voted for people who promised to "help" them instead.
Together, though, we CAN get through this failing mess. I can help those around me, and others can help those around them.
But it's going to be a heck of a lot harder if our increasingly ravenous government keeps reinforcing a culture of dependency by confiscating more of our resources and putting a lien on our future.